So… what’s the past six months been like? Hmmm, well I won’t go with the negative right away. Oh why not, let’s go for it! I’ll make it short though.
So as you know, my back has been causing major problems to my weight loss plans and my life in general. And towards the fall of the year I was very discouraged.
I’d gained a lot of weight back from slackness on the diet and from the fact I couldn’t really workout or walk without pain.
But wait, here comes the good stuff…
So one day it came to me: screw it I’m going to start posting again anyway. If I’m in pain, I’ll stop and stretch if not I’ll be careful and keep pushing.
And then all of a sudden my back started to improve. Weird. It’s almost like my Moses and the Red Sea moment. Moses had to step out in the water before God parted the seas. While Moses was safe on dry ground, nothing was happening. But as soon as he put his big toe out of his comfort zone into the waters then things started to happen.
Then the first of January I get a cold, which then turns into bronchitis and a sinus infection! Wow, I don’t know what God is up to, but the devil certainly seems worried about this little old middle-aged Carolina boy.
It seems almost cliché, but you never know what’s inside a person until some pressure is applied. You don’t get a diamond from leaving coal in its raw state. Gotta put that pressure on for transformation to happen.
I’m excited in a weird sort of way because I frankly feel like God is using these hard times to toughen me up a bit and to make me a little more patient. Although the patience is always a challenge for me. Just watch me drive in traffic.
So for now I’m waiting patiently to be healed and getting back out in the Gloom of F3 and doing what I can and doing a little bit more.
Until next time.