Wednesday, May 10, 2017

But Seriously

Suicide: it’s a word we don’t like to use and even less talk about.

As I was sitting here reading Jimmy Wayne’s book Walk To Beautiful (I highly recommend it) he mentioned a letter that was written to him from a man that had been struggling with thoughts of suicide and it got me thinking.

I probably have never told many people this, but I have struggled with suicidal thoughts many times going back to my teen years.  I couldn’t tell you why I was depressed as a teen other than hormones, but as an adult male, overweight and unmarried I struggled many times with thoughts of wanting to end it all.  Believing the lies of the enemy that no one cared. 

Suicide is one of those things that people don’t like to talk about until it’s too late. People talk about it after it happens and will say things like: Oh if I only had known they were struggling I would have reached out to them. Honestly that’s a lie many times.

I’ve seen it myself when I reached out to people and they brushed me off or gave some excuse or worse didn’t even respond to a text or voicemail.

At some point I had to stop depending on people and start depending on God to keep me focused and in a right frame of mind. 

Battlefield Of The Mind is another great book I read by Joyce Meyer and it addresses how we can cast down wrong thoughts if we will only get into the Word of God, the Bible and apply it to our situations. If we will, we will see change in our lives along with the help of the Holy Spirit who is there to guide us and loves us deeply.

If you struggle with thoughts of harming yourself, first stop and take another direction.  I encourage you to read Battlefield of the Mind and of course the Bible and reach out further if you need professional counseling.

The days when depression leads me to despair are few and far between, but I notice they can attack on days when I’m not rested or have let me diet slip so I try my best to stay vigilant with those areas. 

Know that you are loved first by God and then by myself and many others. Our society is just too much in a rush these days to slow down and care for our fellow man it seems.  Don’t choose what seems like the easy way out of life and lose the chance at real life.

Until next time…

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