For some time there seems to be many haters of the two singles, but yet back in their day they were both huge hits in the 80s. I can name many, many more songs that I'd rather disappear from the annals of time: Achy Breaky Heart being one of them. But when the so-called experts made a list not too long ago of the worst songs ever, the top of the list was We Built This City.
I can understand if people that didn't grow up in the 80s would dislike either song. They are pretty typical for the era, but that doesn't make them bad songs.
Our media-driven and social media-driven society seems to have only room for one opinion and if its not the popular one, then you obviously must be wrong.
Our society screams for diversity, but when diversity rears its head, people call for conformity. Make up your mind society!
Is it just like the Guns N Roses album Chinese Democracy that looked like it would never be released, so it became a byword and running joke? So is it just a running joke that these two songs are terrible, and people don't even know what they sound like enough to make their own opinion? I have to wonder.
For me, I like both songs and would never say they are hated by me. For you, you are free to hate both songs, that's your opinion. But is your opinion based solely on popular opinion, or your own opinion? Something to think about.